SBSE - File Management

Minor League PB Deck Owner 1
PDF – 4.3 MB 65 downloads
South Bend Snake Eyes Player Outreach Letter
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SBSE Financials
Excel – 12.2 KB 59 downloads


3/13 Update - DJB



Good first meeting everybody, thank you to all who showed up and especially thank you to Zach for setting it up and taking the reins on a lot of the important admin and executive responsibilities.  We have a lot to get done, but it is apparent that we have a lot of people interested in making this thing work, and it helps that we are all located across the country with a variety of skill sets.  Basically, I would not bet against the Snake Eyes being a top tier MiLP organization by the time year 2 rolls around.



Zach is doing the lord's work when it comes to researching and finalizing a lot of important details when it comes to the business side.  Things like what type of legal business entity makes the most sense, tax implications, state(s) filing, operational expenses, etc...  Zach is having a meeting with Tim this week to discuss some of the nuances and open questions, to which we should have some answers to by next week.  Tim is also working on finalizing the cap breakdown and working with Zach to ensure all the papers are signed and filed accordingly.
We also have quite a few questions about the logistics of events, league revenue sharing, expectations of what teams are responsible for, sponsorships, and basic operations of the league in general.  We are hoping to clear up some of these questions this week after our discussion with Tim and co.  
Ongoing meetings - we are also looking to have weekly meetings like the one today.  If you can make it or pop in for whatever length, that would be great, but if you can't no big, we can have a follow-up email to discuss what we are working on and what next steps are needed.  A lot of this stuff we are figuring it out as we go, but that seems to be the case across the board.
Team Name & Logo
I know there was some discussion around South Bend, but unless we have any serious objections, we think that this works for a multitude of reasons.  South Bend gives us a city that doesn't already have a tie to MLP, it has ties to a number of colleges including Notre Dame where a few of us have ties to, and it seems like a blue-collar Midwest city that's begging to be lifted out irrelevancy by a winning Minor League Pickleball Organization.
I know some of you think that I nailed the logo on my last shot, but I think it could be even better if someone knew even a little bit about graphic design.  Luckily, Max and Bob Guilbert have a sister and daughter respectively that has actual experience, and they were going to ask her if she can take a look at something for us.  I am going to send them the Hard 8s logo, and hopefully we can have some sort of similarity between the two brands.  After we finalize a logo, we can work on t-shirts and gear for the events.  Also, I just scrolled up in the chat and saw the logo Tim put together.  It actually looks pretty good, so I'll send that off as well to see if we can do something similar to that.
Max has also volunteered to get a simple website going so we can have some online presence even if it is just for us to communicate and store roster, sponsorship, event information.  I think he has already found a domain that works,  So thank you, Max, for getting that off the ground as well.  
Snake Eyes Roster
There were a couple schools of thought when it came to putting together a roster.  There were some long term plans involving each of us putting together events in our respective areas to try and find elite players that are willing to join our organization.  However, this is going to take some time to setup and establish, and the truth of the matter is that we don't know enough about how these events work, and our strategy might look a lot different after we attend our first event. 
First event is April 28-30 in Tampa, FL.  I have already put a spreadsheet together and will be responsible for filling that up with 12 boys and 12 girls for the various skill levels.  The divisions are based on DUPR ratings, there is an Open division, and DUPR ratings 22, 20, 18, 16, and 14.  This means that the 2 boys and 2 girls total DUPR rating for each division cannot exceed the number (with the open division obviously having no max number).  Now, how are we going to fill the roster for our first event?
1.  Ask around.  All of us have built some sort of network of pickleball players, and I am sure that some of the people we know or our friends could be good enough and want to play in a fun tournament.  This means they would need to get DUPR rated, and we would be able to help them with that.  We do believe that getting girls will be more difficult than guys so keep that in mind as well.  
2.  Us.  We have some talent in this pool, and I am pretty sure one of us even has experience playing professionally at the highest level.  If anything, we could backfill some of the lower divisions if needed.  This is not ideal because we are not very good*, but it is a fine solution for the first couple tournaments or if we need a last minute replacement.  This means that we should all work to get DUPR rated and sign up as quickly as possible, and get some games under your belt.  Reach out if you do not know how to get rated and what to do and we can help out.
*We did learn that our very own, Bob Guilbert, (Max's father) is actually a 5.2 and will be in Tampa that weekend.  So with him being our first official roster member who is actually decent at pickleball, his daughter helping with the logo, and Max already locking down the domain name, it's safe to say the Guilbert family gets the MVP nod of the week.
3.  I am going to reach out to some of the social pickle ball clubs as well as some of the colleges in the Tampa area in order to recruit some local talent for the tournament.  We figured the biggest bottleneck in getting players would be convince them to spend money to travel to Florida for the weekend and stay in a hotel, etc... We thought a good way around that would be to recruit locally and find some of the areas best players to play for us that weekend thus eliminating the need for travel and lodging.  Max also is going to put me in touch with the founder of PicklePlay, which is one of the more prominent apps for finding local games.  Hopefully that will help us not just for this tournament, but in the long run as well.  Chalk up another dub for the Guilbert's.
Next Steps
Lou Holtz always emphasized What's Important Now? (W.I.N.) so let's take this approach as we figure out what is high on the priority list the next few weeks.
1. Zach and Tim are going to be responsible for making sure the administrative stuff is cleared up.  I's dotted and t's crossed for the contracts/papers, and the team is legally ready to go for the first tournament.  Also responsible for finalizing the cap breakdown and ensuring that everything is up to code.
2.  Logo - I will working with the Guilbert's to come up with a suitable logo for us that is similar to the Hard 8s theme/logo so we can start to establish some sort of connection between the two brands.
3.  Roster - Everybody should start asking around and come up with ideas to find the best 12 boys and girls we can to represent us.   Make no doubt about it, we are in this to win it.  I will put together a spreadsheet and keep us updated on who we have for the first tournament and beyond.  Also, get DUPR rated and get better.  You play to win the game.
4.  Everybody should also be putting their heads together to try and figure out ways to help build our team's brand and ability to make money over time.  This is still a business and we are going to need sponsors, events, and ideas that will not only feed us the elite players, but also help grow revenue as the league and the sport continue to grow.  There are no wrong answers here as we are all trying to figure out how this thing works and learn as we go on. 
I know this is a lot, but thank you to everybody for contributing and doing your part to make this thing work.  We have a ton of really talented people on this thread, and I have no doubt we can find a way to play to our strengths and put together something really special here in the first year.  I think a lot of us are really excited to see where this thing takes us, and do whatever we can to make it succeed.  If it works out, great.  If it doesn't, then I'll be damned if the Snake Eyes go down without a fight.


3/20 Update - Tim Parks

I had a call this afternoon with:


Brian Levine (interim MLP CEO)

Jake Hobaugh (MiLP CEO)

Matt Alvarez (Las Vegas Knight Owls owner)

some MLP lawyer guy


Also invited were the owners of the Florida Smash (Graham D'Amico) and Texas Ranchers (Tim Klitch) MLP teams, but those 2 couldn't make it. 


As expected things are completely in flux, but I'm actually more optimistic about this than I was a month ago. There are all sorts of reasons for the uncertainty, but one big one is that it looks like the merger between PPA and MLP is finally going through which changes the outlook/arrangement for MiLP. This resolves a big question which is under what entity would MiLP reside. If these were all going to be separate entities (MLP, MiLP, DUPR, merchandise, etc) we would run into two problems: 1) trademark/IP infringement issues - for instance, there is a patent pending on the Dreambreaker 2) general lack of support from MLP/PPA if MiLP was its own island


So this is generally a good thing - if only say 4-6 MLP owners and a handful of staff had equity in MiLP, it would be a constant struggle to get resources and promotion directed towards MiLP. This would have especially been true next year when there are 12 teams in Challenger for the entire season and there are already lots of concerns that MiLP could eat away at the Challenger MLP league. 


The other reason it's good that things are so disorganized and up for grabs is that we can have a real voice in influencing the future of the league. At several points throughout the call, Brian asked my opinion and when I gave it he basically said "ok let's go with that." 


The key points from the call:

- DUPR going to close in the merger, Minor League and Major League going to be integrated 

- the "showcase" event this past weekend went great - feedback from amateurs is that they are in love with the format and it's really enforcing the MLP format at the grassroots level 

- still some things to sort out with what ranges are acceptable, minimum number of games, etc. 

- the end of April event is still a go, but it's going to be more of a showdown then the first official/marquee event mainly because they haven't sold all the teams yet

- a big reason they are waiting to sell the teams is because Brian really wants to work on some sort of affiliate model between minor and major league teams. Obviously for our purposes, we've already done this. But he basically wants to at least give the option to every MLP ownership group to have some skin in the MiLP game. This is going to take time to make the pitch and explain to all these guys what the concept is. 

- additionally, Brian asked me the q of how many minor league teams we should sell

- I said to sell 12 this year as we're still figuring stuff out, keep the mistakes small and localized and nimble before expanding to a big lumbering ship. This also gives us the chance to sell teams at a higher valuation 2024-2026. But open to feedback on this.

- the first official marquee MiLP event is now going to likely be in conjunction with MLP Atlanta (Sept21-Sept24). This is going to be a busy weekend for me with the Hard 8s also in action, so it would be great to get as many of you to Hotlanta for the weekend as possible. 

- I am keen to use MiLP to tinker and experiment with the MLP format in a lower stakes setting. Two examples that I think we can probably get for this first tournament at the end of April is a shot-clock (can explain in more detail on the call tomorrow) and also refs using an ipad to keep score rather than pen and paper on a clipboard. The latter is crucial for gambling. I'm sure there will be tons of predictable and unforeseen issues with both of these but as I told the guys on the call - if we don't ever test some stuff out that we have to say "that was dumb" and roll back, then I'd argue we're not pushing the envelope far enough 


And perhaps the most important/encouraging at all: I really am pushing hard for us to get equity with this deal, beyond just owning a team that can appreciate in value and we can use to generate cash flow in all the ways previously discussed (feeder tournaments, merchandise, sponsorships, etc). I made the case that we will be generating tons of value for DUPR mainly, but also the entire MLP ecosystem and should participate in the upside here. 


And after hanging up, I'd put the odds of us getting at least SOME equity in MLP at 75%. Now I don't think we'll get a full 750k worth of equity because the current board/set of MLP owners who pass on buying a Minor League Team won't approve that much dilution. But I feel good about us getting something here, maybe 200-400k worth. 


The sad part is that these MLP shares will be awarded to us at the valuation the last two teams sold for (Orlando Slice, St Louis Shock) and Dude Perfect just bought a chunk of Clean Cause at: $300mm. Not exactly a bargain, but as I've argued before - there could be 3 separate billion dollar businesses embedded within this MLP umbrella (DUPR, MLP, college pickleball) so there is still plenty of room to run here. And again, this in addition to whatever cash flow we can generate from the team on a running basis. 


I still think we'll be able to fully recoup the 750k investment/capital calls within a few years if we do this thing right, so any MLP equity on top is a bonus. But I'm not being subtle in basically telling them that I don't think we can commit to buying a team without some slice of equity and they seem very amenable. Will ultimately require Steve's approval which I feel good about given my relationship and previous conversations with him. 


There are still a bunch of great questions that you (mainly DJ and the NML guys) brought up that weren't answered, including:


1) when does your DUPR rating lock for a tournament? I.e. if you play a match the morning of a tournament, does that impact your DUPR standing?

2) when do the lineups have to be set?

3) why are MLP matches not included in DUPR calculations? (this is the most insane thing ever)

4) are there any rules around stealing players from other teams?

5) minimum number of matches to be DUPR rated?

6) why does the website suck so much? Can we help? 

7) can we get a schedule please of time and place for MiLP events?

8) what are the rules around locking players up for the year? 


That's good for now, catch you guys tomorrow. 


- Tim 


3/21 Incentives to Invest - NML Pickle

Some ideas for selling Major League Teams on buying Minor League Pickleball:

  • The biggest thing has to be that amateur pickleball is still the biggest ticket for revenue in pickleball and MiLP offers the easiest path to accessing those amateurs
    • DUPR –With DUPR being part of MLP this is the obvious. DUPR becoming “The” rating system pickleball, something akin a USGA handicap, is probably the easiest path to a billion dollar business for MLP and MiLP is the ticket that can drive that.
      • I attend my first team event this weekend (basically MLP rip off with 3 guys, 1 girl). I was talking to a number of players about DUPR and MiLP. The first question I got from a number of people, was why would I get a DUPR? They don’t initially see a value or purpose to it. When I told them, that they would need one to play MiLP, and that that the MiLP divisions are based on DUPR, they immediately said they needed to get a DUPR, because they want to play these MiLP events. 
        • As an aside I am now quite convinced that MiLP, could become the most popular amateur format. Players, myself included, love the format, and want more.
    • Major League Pickleball Ball – If you make minor league pickleball the premier amateur tournaments, and they play with the MLP Ball, that is going to be the ball that amateur players generally want to play with. Amateur players who play tournaments, want to practice with the ball, that they will be playing with in their next tournament with. If Minor League Pickleball, can dominate the amateur landscape, then you can dominate the ball sales.
  • It could help create fan bases. With no true geographic connections etc. at this point in time, it is difficult to build a fan base for individual teams and thus sell merchandise, increase viewership etc. If you have an amateur minor league pickleball system, where those amateur teams are affiliated with MLP teams, you can naturally create a fan base.
    • A lot of amateur will want to play for or be involved with a minor league, which is affiliated with a MLP team (It makes them feel important). So you it will help with the sign ups, etc for tournaments, ladders, and whatever else the minor league team 
    • MLP teams could also bring in their pro players to run some camps for their minor league team, attend some events etc.
    • These amateur players will feel apart of the organization, and as a result develop a connection to the team. These amateur players will then buy merchandise and playing gear from the team, they will also definitely watch the team, and some will even travel to support the team.
  • I think the creation of fan bases, could actually be one of the biggest things, and is fairly unique to pickleball. Fans aren’t going to go play basketball and suddenly feel like they are part of the ‘team’ but pickleball, because it is such a great amateur sport lends itself to that.
    • I actually saw a small example of it this weekend, where some ‘fans’ flew almost four hours across the country to watch, players one of the teams this weekend, because two of the players are teaching pros, and run a bunch of leagues and ladders under the “Churco Team” brand. So these 3.5’s flew across the country to watch their Churco ‘Pros’ play, because they are part of the ‘Chruco Team’. If people are willing to do that to cheer on fake pros, can’t imagine what they would be willing to do if they thought they were part of Ben Johns, Riley Newman or Anna Leigh Waters team


Chris, probably summarized it best in that we still don’t know where professional pickleball is going, but MiLP offers a great hedge against that by giving MLP teams a chance to realize control amateur pickleball and get a good ROI off of it.

3/27 Update - DJB

This past weekend was rough, no way around it.  The Hard Eights started off with a huge dub over the NJ 5s and then a million unforced errors against an inferior opponent in Las Vegas was tough to watch and ultimately led to their demise.  They played their hearts out, but it just wasn't meant to be in Daytona.  Big shoutout to Rick, Paco, Tim, and Greg for another fun, and successful MLP event.  They may not have won, but the "Roll the Dice" chant along with the pink fuzzy dice and the freshest unis definitely made it seem like the Hard Eights were the most fun team to root for by far.  Only thing missing is a championship.  Onto San Clemente.


For its MiLP affiliate, South Bend Snake Eyes, we are going to have a meeting tomorrow (3/28) at Noon EST. (Link is at the bottom of the email) We are going to try and keep it high and tight, as we know everybody's time is precious.  A few of the things we want to discuss in no particular order:


Meeting Agenda & Updates


1.  FAQs  - We need to lock down some specifics about MiLP events and specifically the first unofficial event at the end of April outside of St. Louis.  Some of the questions we have been getting asked by potential players and sponsors are:


-Is the tournament still on and what are the official dates? (The official MiLP calendar still has nothing on its calendar, yet they added a Dallas Showdown for April 15th weekend)

-Tournament Fees and Prize money? (Specifics really help sell this to players have to consider other tournaments and events that weekend)


-Internal Operating Budget allocation toward players?  This is more of an internal decision on how we want to spend our money and what (if any) do we want to allocate towards player travel, lodging, fees, apparel, etc... This is perhaps the most important thing our potential players are looking for and we do need to come up with an answer.  I don't expect us to have this tomorrow, but it is something to think about.


2.  Player Recruiting Update

Niall and Bob have been doing a lot of good work these past 2 weeks scheduling meetings and trying to find people especially for our upper divisions.  It's tough to nail down players without the specifics to some of the above questions, but we have had a couple positive meetings and those meetings are leading us to some other potential players.  This weekend, I will be meeting up with Ben Kasbeer (5.2 DUPR) at a tournament in Bloomington, IL where he has found a few other players we will talk to.  Hopefully, by this time next weekend, we will have some players committed to the SBSE.


We also want to hear about other potential players anybody else knows, and what our strategy is going to be to try and entice players and build a roster from the top down.


3.  Snake Eyes Logo & Jersey 

Garrett Campbell has been working with a graphic designer on nailing down a logo and we are nearly there.  The first few concept logos looked fresh (can see them in SBSE Spreadsheet Hub)  She is working on a final design and we should have something to show off by this week.  From there, we have a uniform company on standby to start putting together jerseys and/or apparel pending financial allocation decisions.


4.  Marketing 

Max Guilbert has solidified the domain and has been coming up with a plan to get a basic website up and running for a very reasonable monthly fee.  He has also got us a way to have a few email addresses that we are going to assign to look more professional as we reach out to players and sponsors.  In regards to the website, Max and I, and whoever else wants to help will start putting it together to make sure that we have an online presence.  We also want to follow this up with an instagram/twitter/facebook account and a plan to maintain and grow in the early stages.


5.  Feeder Tournaments

Zach and Bob have been making moves and have been inquiring about the process of setting up feeder tournaments and what all goes into that.  Hearing an update from one of them would help us understand more about this process and next steps.


6.  Business Decisions

I know there have been a few things that Zach has sent out regarding money and investments, and truth be told, a lot of it went over my head.  I don't know what answers he needs from us on the business side to help make his life smoother, and if there is anything needed on the cap table side, and financial side, then we need to make sure we are on top of these as they are extremely important in keeping us afloat.


7. Snake Eyes Portal / Hub

I am in the process of converting the google spreadsheet and docs into a hub where we can go for all the documents, emails, updates, and questions for the team.  There have been a lot of good emails and questions, and ideas back and forth in a lot of different mediums, and I want to make sure we have a place to update the group on how a player meeting went and what the next steps are.  Or a potential sponsor CRM.  Legal documents, strategy, stats, updates, merchandise, tasks, cap table, etc..  I want to make sure we have a place to go to for everything going on and all the updates.  This is going to be very crude at the beginning in the form of google sheet tabs and google docs, and then go from there and improve the medium moving down the line.  


8.  Other & Next Steps

Whatever else people have to add, contribute, ask, concerns, etc..  We want this to be free-flowing and not all hoighty toighty buttoned up.  We want to hear from you on what we can do to move this thing forward as we start our 3rd official week.  We also can discuss whether weekly meetings make sense or if they are overkill or not enough communication.  Maybe it's something where we have breakout groups to meet privately to accomplish smaller tasks, and then we all get together less frequently for updates.  Just a thought.


4/7 Update - DJB & Rick


SBSE Owners,
I'm trying to get one of these update emails out at least every other week, as it helps keep everybody on the same page on what's going on as well as hopefully spur some much needed ideas from the boys.  It was a tough blow finding out that the St. Louis (formerly Tampa Bay) tournament was canceled, but in the end it could be a blessing in disguise.  It allows us to really buckle down and ensure that we are absolutely ready for Atlanta, setting the stage for a combo of an SBSE sweep and a Hard Eights championship in the same weekend. 
Finance/Executive Committee
We need to schedule a meeting early next week with the executive/finance committee and nail down a detailed budget on how to spend our operating capital.  Specifically, at a minimum, we need to decide what our plan is for subsidizing costs for our players for Atlanta.  This is crucial when talking to players as their calendars are filling up and they are making decisions on what events they want to commit to in the fall.  It would be great if we could reach back out to all the players we have been talking to by the end of next week with a specific plan in place that we will cover X amount for travel, lodging, meals & entertainment, etc.  This is the biggest hurdle in place in getting hard commits for that weekend.  We are filling up players in the 18-22 range quickly, and this is preventing us from getting hard commits for Atlanta.  I will reach out and put together a rough draft with numbers, and we can use that as a template and go from there.  
Niall and Bob have both been doing the Lord's work in finding elite talent for us, and I had the pleasure of seeing a few of them play last weekend.  They were exactly the type of people you want for your team for what they did on the court and how they carried themselves off the court as well.  The three of us are going to schedule a meeting next week sometime and make sure we are all on the same page, as well as update the Roster CRM, and keep trying to fill up spots for Atlanta and beyond.
Business Development
Logo & Merch - Garrett has taken the lead on graphic designer connection.  She should send us a final logo and then we should be able to use her moving forward.  I met with Fromuth this week (Apparel Company that works with the Hard 8s) and we are going to get them the final logo and they are going to send a few options back so we can get the uniforms and some apparel if it's in the budget.
Email - As you can see, this is coming from a SouthBendSnakeEyes email address.  I want to add Niall and Bob at least as they are reaching out to players.  We can probably add Tim/Rick/Paco/Greg C. as well and we can have an owners@southbendsnakeeyes for everybody to use.  I will figure out what's in the budget for this and act accordingly, and get this done this weekend. 
Website - Now that we have a logo, I will work with Max next week to get the website up and running.  We already have a URL, we just need to do the basic design and pull the trigger 
Sponsors - I feel like we should have a separate meeting in the next couple weeks focused solely on developing a plan for sponsors.  It's hard to reach out if we don't have a guideline in place that has the details of what $500 gets you, this is what $1k gets you, $500K, etc..  I don't know if any of the Hard Eights guys want to spearhead this as we should utilize their experience as well as allow us to come up with a somewhat uniformed policy.  I'll reach out to the Hard 8s boys to see who can help move this forward.  
Marketing & Social Media - This is another area where we are going to need people to help out as much as possible.  We do have an instagram locked down, but we don't have a social media plan or policy.  Does everybody get a password?  Can they post whatever they want?  Do we want to have some sort of unified direction?  These are all things that I don't have answers to nor do I know the best approach.  Like a dedicated Sponsors meeting, it might make sense to have a dedicated marketing/business development meeting in the next few weeks to come up with a plan to grow the brand.  We also need to make an announcement via Instagram announcing our MLP affiliation soon much like that one team did last week.  It would be nice if we also had some social media presence as well when this announcement is made.  I don't know if anybody wants to step up and try to spearhead this as well, we probably could use multiple people focusing mainly on this as it is an undertaking to do it right, and we can't really justify a dedicated social media person at this time.
Tournaments - Bob is putting together some DUPR tournaments in Cape Cod this summer, and Zach had a very productive meeting with some tournament setup people from Cleveland this week.  I don't know how we can capitalize on using the Snake Eyes name and MiLP recognition in terms of creating tournaments, but it is definitely something we should try.  Based on talking with the Cleveland people, there is still a market for tournaments, and if done right can make a pretty penny.  On top of that, we throw in the MiLP affiliation and SBSE connection, it should make us look credible and allow us to set up some things over the summer to potentially bring in revenue or at the very least grow the brand.
MiLP Flagship Program - I think Tim said it in the group chat, but the cancelling of the April tournament and the overall disarray of the MiLP could actually be a good thing for us.  We can figure out what needs to be done as owners and set an example and/or influence decisions at the league level.  Bob had an excellent idea the other day of putting together an SOP for the league and other owners/potential owners to follow.  Along with this, we also talked about putting a database together of potential players that are good enough for MiLP and show interest, but because our roster is full they can't play for us.  This would allow us to pull a Miracle on 34th street and reach out to other teams to see if they are interested in this player.  These two things we feel will help the league immensely as they are still trying to figure it out, and as Urc said one time, "A rising tide lifts all boats."  So Bob, I want to get together next week and really get the ball rolling on this sooner rather than later.  Maybe me, you, Max, and Urc since he came up with the boat quote.  
There are also a few other smaller things that are on my Darnell Dockett as well.  I'm still trying to come up with a good way to access all of these emails as well as other documents that we need to share and keep track of, so you may get a google doc invite here in the next few days.  This is not a long term portal/file sharing solution as google docs/sheets can be cumbersome and difficult to manage.  I'm hoping we can utilize the website and have an area just for us so that we can share and manage files.  As we get more done and move closer to the season, the amount of information is going to grow, so we need a good system to manage it to keep everybody on the same page and maximize transparency.  I also started working with Ben Padula from RealClearStats, not quite sure how this could help us immediately, but there is a good chance we will be able to provide our players detailed stats and breakdowns of their MiLP matches.  Players love that stuff, and it would be just one more thing that separates the Snake Eyes from the competition.
If anybody has any updates, thoughts, questions, ideas, criticisms please reply to the email or group chat and get the banter going.  With the end of April tournament getting canceled, lesser teams would lose a little bit of momentum one month in, but you guys know as well as I do that has never been the Snake Eyes' prerogative. 

Rick Chan

Fri, Apr 7, 5:05 PM
Luckily the markets closed early today and I have some time since I have been using today to catch up on things from the office. Let me help address a couple things.
Email google drive - We are using this and for 10 users it is about $30/month. It is one stop shop for a small business so this could be the best route.
Sponsors - We haven't done anything for the Hard 8s as the time consumption is more expensive than the time is required to secure one. In reality, if somebody here has the time more than happy to pay out something for someone to do it. A couple random people reached out and I asked for resumes. We are trying to build the Hard 8s brand and are looking for strategic and large sponsors. I sent an email to the CEO of Vuori and am meeting with him next week. I will wrap up the MLIP discussion as well if they have interest in MLP.
Merchandise - I can get wholesale pricing for anything made. Use this website are the best prices I can get We can buy the actual shirts anywhere as well and I use Supply Theory for printing. As an example the all-in cost for the pink shirts we made for Daytona was about 9.5 The shirts cost for Canvas or next Level were about 4.5, which is much better than gildan at 3-4. The printing costs were a lot more since we had logos in 3 different spots with different colors. Fromuth cost is about 16 for a shirt and more for uniforms for reference, but it's easier to go through them at times. 
Social Media - We hired a person to do this for Hard 8s and it takes a lot of work. She is great, but costs are in the low 2s per month. My opinion after dealing with all this, is you need one person in charge and spearhead it. Having multiple cooks in the kitchen does not work.
Let me know if you have any questions. I will be on a flight tomorrow and can go through some more things there. 


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